Expertise Coaching, Creative Web
We love to make it possible for our customers to take the seed of an idea to grow into an amazing product. That is what drives us, which is behind our enthuisasm and dedication.

We love to make it possible for our customers to take the seed of an idea to grow into an amazing product. That is what drives us, which is behind our enthuisasm and dedication.
To ensure that your goals are met, even when they change, we offer our expertise in Lean & Agile methods, how to use both Scrum, Kanban and SAFe™ in the real world.
We make creative, responsive Web applications and provide exepertise in areas such as:
This site was built with HTML5. HTML is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the Web. HTML5 is the latest version of the standard that defines HTML. HTML is developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and HTML 5.2 was relased in December 2017.
MDN Web Docs is a great place to learn more about HTML!
This site has been styled with CSS. CSS is a language that describes how HTML elements should be rendered on screen, paper in speech, or on other media. CSS is standardized according to the W3C specification. CSS is very powerful and enables us to make creative, responsive websites and applications. For this site we have created some different looks applied by changing CSS classes, try it out!
Learn more about CSS on MDN Web Docs!
A minimum of pure Vanilla Javascript has been used for this site. Javascript conforms to the ECMAScript specification which is standardized by Ecma International. Our philosophy is that Javascript should be use to bring functionality to a Web Application or site, and not for styling.
We have a long and deep understanding of Javascript, and know how to build a stable, maintable and flexible architecture for Web Applications.
We also have also have experience of libraries such as jQuery, the runtime environment Node.js and testing frameworks and libraries as mocha and pupeteer. And not to forget we rule at debugging...
Python has not been used at all for this site, but it is a wonderful programming language which we have lots of experience of.
Python is also a great language to start with for anyone who wants to learn programming. Want to learn Python? Invent with Python is a great place start!
The domains listed here are available for sale. Want to make an offer or know more?